I don’t know what took me so long to jump on the smoothie bowl train, but I’m definitely on board now. I finally got my hands on a Vitamix blender and if my family would be okay with me liquefying every meal into a suck-able smoothie, I would. Because that thing blends like a dream. My daughter and I made an arrangement that she would eat whatever vegetables I threw into her smoothies on two conditions- 1) that I not tell her what vegetables were in it until AFTER she took her first drink and 2) that she couldn’t taste said veggies. That girl is a real pain in the butt when it comes to eating vegetables, but now I have the perfect vessel for sneaking them into her diet. And this Matcha Green Smoothie Bowl was a great way to get her on board.

So let me clarify about this Matcha Green Smoothie Bowl: it’s not just for kids who won’t eat their vegetables. You better believe that I made myself one of these as well and totally devoured it. I wasn’t too sure that I would love the combination of all of the ingredients, but, my goodness, it is perfectly sweet and smooth and delicious.
Let’s talk about how I made this Matcha Green Smoothie Bowl 👇🏻
Smoothie bowls don’t really needs a step by step explanation like I offer in some of my other recipe posts. You basically just throw everything into the blender and blend until smooth. To get a good texture in a smoothie bowl, some of your ingredients need to be frozen. In this case, the banana. Usually when bananas on my countertop are getting a little too old, I pop them in the freezer for smoothie bowls. Slightly overripe bananas are perfect for smoothie bowls.
Let’s talk Matcha:
This recipe calls for Matcha powder. Duh, I know. Matcha powder can be found just about anywhere these days. The Matcha Powder that I bought, I had randomly found at Walmart one day (In the baking aisle). Here is a picture of the one that I got 👇🏻 It was really delicious and worked perfectly. In the recipe, I call for 1-2 tsp. The amount that you add really just depends on how much of a matcha flavor you enjoy.

After your smoothie bowl is blended and creamy, you can serve it as is (in which case I’d recommend a glass and a straw instead) or top it with some goodies. I mean the whole point of a smoothie vs. the smoothie bowl are the toppings, right? Just don’t go crazy. You don’t want to throw 600 calories worth of granola and other things because you’ll totally defeat the purpose.
(Tip: I always measure granola. It can add up quick and I think people are generally pretty heavy-handed with it. The amount shown here was a little less than 1/4 cup.)
And that’s it. You have a Matcha Green Smoothie Bowl.

Matcha Green Smoothie Bowl
- 1/2 Frozen Banana
- 1 Cup Green Grapes
- 2 Cups Kale, roughly chopped
- 1/2 Avocado
- 2-3 Tbsp Vanilla Greek Yogurt (or Plain)
- 1-2 Tsp Matcha Powder
- Combine all of the ingredients into a blender. Blend until the ingredients are smooth.
- Pour into a bowl and serve as is or with toppings.