you may or may not have noticed that there wasn’t a post for November Goals. I set out to try something new in October and already in November, I had dropped the ball. That’s about as bad as some people’s dedication to their New Year’s resolutions, I know. In my defense, November was a rough month. Before I had realized it, it was November 3rd and it didn’t feel genuine to act like I was excited about November.
In Ohio, the weather can really turn a corner at any point… and that’s what happened in November. I was walking about 20 miles of trails a week outside in October and then November came knocking on the door. I think that I was naive to convince myself that I could still workout outdoors through most of the Winter in Ohio. Don’t get me wrong, I still see people outside occasionally, powering through the weather, but it’s just not feasible for consistent workouts. So, I’m going to have to just bite the bullet and learn to appreciate the treadmill in my basement, especially considering that the kiddos will be home for about 3 weeks for Winter break.
One thing that I’ve learned about setting goals is that you’re going to have setbacks, it’s inevitable. But, don’t let those setbacks ruin any progress that you’ve made. So I’m going to hop back on that horse. I really believe that picking a few things to focus on is so important and way more realistic. So here are my goals for December… also, I’ve set a calendar reminder for January, so check back in January!
Goals for December:
I plan on updating my music playlist, scouring Netflix for interesting shows and movies and getting in at least 30 minutes on the treadmill EVERY day. Plinko game download fast and safe You heard that right. Every. Day. As much as I can procrastinate with getting in a workout, I’ve never completed a workout and not felt physically and mentally better because of it. I have to start putting this at the top of my to do list. The laundry can wait, the dishes can wait, everything else can wait.
My right eye started twitching today. I know why it’s happening. Too much coffee. And waaaaay not enough water. Do you know that you should be drinking 1/2 to 1 ounce of water for each pound that you weigh? Yeah, I don’t come close to that. I bet most people don’t. We need to be better about it.
I’m a night owl. I can’t help it, it’s in my genes. Actually, I don’t know if my proclivity to stay up late at night can be blamed on my parents or not, but it was worth a shot. I do believe that drinking less coffee and more water will help me to sleep more and better. Plus, I can guarantee that I’d be feeling a lot better about a morning workout if I were well rested.
This last one is near and dear to me. I’m almost convinced that this will be my oldest’s last year believing in Santa. He’s going to be turning ten in a few weeks and I feel thankful to have made it this far. And maybe I’ll be wrong. Maybe next year, I will have a house with 2 kids that still believe. I hope so. But, I want to make it my goal in general (and not just December) to be more present. The whole family. That means: putting the phone and the devices down, turning the TVs off, video games only on occasion.
Check back in to see how I did and for new goals in January!