Did you know that Valentine’s Day is the second biggest candy holiday behind Halloween? These days it seems nearly impossible to bring in classroom treats while navigating all of the food restrictions and allergies. Some teachers/schools don’t even allow food to be brought into the classroom anymore. The easiest way to go is to not even bother with food treats, especially when there are so many great ideas out there. I have gathered 18 of the cutest and easiest valentines that are perfect for the classroom. The valentine ideas listed below have free printables and most of the supplies that are needed are linked below each idea for easy purchasing. All of the ideas are simple, fun and budget-friendly. And all of these ideas are fantastic Non-Candy Classroom Valentine Ideas!

Check out these 18 Fun & Easy Non-candy Classroom Valentine Ideas👇🏻
1. You Blow Me Away
By: The Girl Creative
Pairs a free printable along with a bottle of bubbles to make a super cute gift idea.
2. You Make My Heart Race
By: Hello, Wonderful
Boy or girl… I can almost guarantee that any kid will be super excited to get a valentine with a card. Hello, Wonderful provides the free printable. You just have to add the car.
3. You’re the Balm
By: Five Little Chefs
In the middle of chapped-lip season, anyone would appreciate this adorable and useful gift. Five Little Chefs provides the free printable.
4. Valentine Pencil Arrows
By: Muffin Grayson
These are the easiest and most adorable valentines. Not to mention that it will only cost you a pencil per classmate.
5. You’re a Cutie
By: It’s Always Autumn
This candy-free option provides a healthy alternative for a snack. It is a cute and clever idea from It’s Always Autumn.
6. I Think You’re exStraw Special
By: It’s Always Autumn
Here’s another cute idea for a non-candy valentine from It’s Always Autumn. This idea is so easy that it doesn’t even require gluing or ribbon or gift bags. Simply pair the free printable with a heart-shaped straw (or any fun shapes).
7. I Mustache You a Question
By: I Can Teach My Child
My kiddos got mustaches in their Christmas stockings and they had waaaaay more fun with them than I would have ever thought. This valentine gift will be great for any age. There is a free printable provided and mustaches can be delivered in 2 days from Amazon.
8. Doh You Want to be My Valentine?
By: The Nerd’s Wife
Fact: Every kid loves Play-Doh. Also fact: Every kid would love to receive this valentine.
9. Whoopee It’s Valentine’s Day!
By: Paging Supermom
This hilarious valentine combines a free printable and a mini whoopee cushion. Kids will be crazy excited about receiving these from a classmate. Good thing that Valentine’s Day parties are in the afternoon!
10. Our Class Would Knot be the Same Without You
By: Dandee Designs
Do you have a kiddo that would like to create something to pass out to their classmates? These friendship bracelets are so easy and so fantastic when combined with this free printable from Dandee Designs.
11. Have a Ball This Valentine’s Day
By: Love the Day
I don’t know what it is about bouncy balls, but kids can’t resist them. A free printable plus a bouncy ball per classmate is a budget-friendly, super fun valentine idea.
12. You Make Our Class Bright
By: Melanie Makes
Kids will have so much fun wearing these 80’s style sunglasses. These valentines are a super cool alternative to candy.
13. You’re A-Maze-Ing!
By: Pinching Your Pennies
You can’t beat a valentine that makes kids using their brains. Heart-shaped mazes are very affordable and so fun when combined with Pinching Your Pennies’s cute printable.
14. You Make Me So Slappy
By: What Moms Love
Slap bracelets are back! Kids will love getting these as a valentine. You will love the free printable and how cheaply you can buy slap bracelets.
15. You’re Number One in My Book
By: Positively Splendid
It doesn’t get any easier than this for a valentine. Tie some cute Valentine’s Day ribbon on the top and BOOM. Done.
16. High Five Valentine
By: Making of a Mom
Easy, cute and fun! What more does a valentine need to be? These handclappers can be found on Amazon for a steal and the free printable tag is included on the post.
17. You’re the Write Kind of Friend
By: I Can Teach My Child
These cute printables are only half of what makes this valentine fun… the shuttle pen is the other half! Who doesn’t love a shuttle pen? And you can snag a shuttle pen for only about 63 cents a piece!
18. Love Bug Valentine
By: Dandee Designs
I didn’t know if I was going to include this one on my list because I didn’t know if kids would like the bugs… and then my daughter walked up and saw it on my screen and said, “That’s really cool, Mom!”